Are you experiencing compassion fatigue or burn out? Are you looking to discover and uncover new meaning after loss or trauma?
Do you need an accountability partner to maintain your wellness regimen that includes mind, body and spirit? You are in the right place! <3
Shanina's wellness practice combines her unique background in coaching, counseling esthetics and yoga. She helps her clients discover, maintain and sustain an active wellness lifestyle in an ever changing world.
As her dad said, "just because you are going through hell, doesn't mean you have to stop and take pictures." Shanina's tailored coaching style, intentional conversations and truth telling ways assist each client to address their obstacles, challenges and barriers. The ultimate goal for each client is for them to know they are powerful beyond measure and they all have gifts, talents and dreams to share with themselves, family, friends and community.
Currently Shanina is a Lecturer and Faculty at San Francisco State University.
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